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Snatching Soul Dredger

August 7th, 2011 - PoRtCuLLiS

Went through another perk reset today, in order to boost treatment and base abilities. On the plus side my setup is over half symbiants now. It does mean I'm quite gimped for 48hrs though until I can reset the perks back to normal. I think two whole days is a bit of a harsh limit for this stuff.

Still plugging my way through the Adonis brain quest, teaming with others where needed. It's a real marathon quest but I'm finally at the last stage, a boss called Tower Keeper Tagnat which I will need assistance with.

In between all this I've been camping a monster called the Snatching Soul Dredger, also in Adonis. It drops Solid Spiritech Mesh, a special item used to make a coat that I'd like, Modified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat. The drop rate is low though and the mob is often camped by high levels, so I don't know if I'll manage it. I've killed the thing three times so far, but no luck getting the mesh. 'Soul dredger' could end up being appropriate.

Soul Dredge mob.

Since spending more time in the Shadowlands I've come to realise my weapons aren't much good. The stats on the Blinded Blackbirds seem decent on the surface, but they have a low 'minimum damage', and as things in SL have high ACs (or so I've heard) you hit for the minimal damage a lot of the time. Looking to upgrade to Ofab Hawks (they're also SMG-type guns) asap, but I'll need more victory points from fighting in Battle Stations.
